In Annecy where I live, the flu period starts with rains in October and lasts till the end of Mars. In essence, climate change affects Alpes as well, and our winters become less and less snowy and more and more humid… Starting from October, flu attacks schools and kindergartens, and I have to deal with it non-stop, as kids bring viruses home again and again… So, as you can imagine, I have a good collection of anti-flu remedies and ideas 🙂
It is better to support your immune system with preventive measures during the whole flu season. And you can really protect your home and members of your family with natural essential oils – potent and effective anti-flu weapon!
These shower bombs are easy to make, and they help you to fight the first symptoms of flu. When you put it on a wet floor of your shower cabin, the reaction starts, and the bomb releases essential oil components. Those components mix up with the steam, you breathe them in, and after just 30 seconds, they are already in your bloodstream.
We use essential oils that have antibacterial and antiviral properties; they help to relieve sinus congestion and provide overall support to the immune system.
I usually use Eucalyptus oil – it relieves the symptoms of sinus congestion. It may also help kill germs in and around the nasal passage that contribute to a sinus infection. There several types of eucalyptus oil; the best anti-flu properties has Eucalyptus Globulus. I mix it with peppermint essential oil, as they work really great together.
For bombs:
- 1 cup of baking soda
- 1/2 cup of citric acid
- 1/4 cup of corn starch
- water in a spray bottle
First, you need to make the bombs, let it dry, and only then apply essential oils on it. To make it just mix soda, citric acid, and starch in a bowl, and then start to wet it with your spray bottle, steering the mix actively at the same time. Your mixture has to look like wet sand on the beach (not too wet, but not dry also). Put it into silicon muffin or ice cases, and let it dry 24-48 hours.
As soon as it dry and solid, apply on each bomb individually:
- 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
- 5 drops of peppermint essential oil
Store your bombs in a closed jar to protect essential oils from evaporating. Use it every time you take a shower.
This spray is very easy to make, and it is essential when you have somebody sick at home. Viruses quickly spread in the air and using this spray, you can decrease the risk of congestion for other family members.
- 20 ml of vodka
- 80 ml of distilled water
- 30 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 15 drops of lemon essential oil
You can use it as a textile spray or air freshener – not only it kills germs, but it also has a fresh and happy aroma.
I really love this idea! It looks great, it smells great, and it helps to kill germs and support your immune system while you take your shower! All you need is some branches of eucalyptus (you can find it in almost any flower shop) and eucalyptus essential oil.
Just put branches into bottle or vase (no water needed) and apply 3-7 drops of eucalyptus essential oil on its leaves. Aroma lasts around one week, and then you can reapply the oil.