Ho-ho-ho! Christmas is my favorite time of the year! I love making Christmas decorations and gifts myself (solid shampoo bar is just one example), and I am happy to share my recipes and ideas with you! If you are interested in DIY decorations, check out this video, and in this post, we will talk about …
Category: HAIR & NAILS
DIY Solid Hair Mask (for strong and shiny hair)
This solid hair mask is a real treasure! It’s easy to make, looks beautiful, is an absolute “zero waste” product, is pleasant to use, smells delicious, and is reeeeeealy good for the hair! It is a mixture of solid and liquid vegetable oils and herbal powders that provides deep moisturizing and hair conditioning. Melt the …
3 best homemade treatments with aloe for dry and damaged hair
Winter could be rather harsh to our hairs: heating systems dry the moisture out from our skin and hairs, and cold wind, and lack of vitamins and fatty acids in winter menu weaken natural hair protection. Our styling habits also don’t do any good: frequent washing and hot drying (plus tons of styling products) only …
How to make your own solid shampoo bar (and why you should do it)
Solid shampoos (do not confuse if with powder-like dry shampoos) become more and more popular, and there are some excellent reasons for it. First of all, it is cost-effective: you can wash your hair with one shampoo bar approximately 60-80 times (depending on the hair length). Surfactants in it are not diluted with water (like …