Make your own laundry detergent in just 5 min!

The idea of making your own detergent at the beginning may seem a bit weird. Still, more you learn about detergents and components, more you begin to realize that making your own product is the best solution for you & for the planet. It is practical, 100% biodegradable, it does not affect rivers and seas, it does not leave any toxic residuals on the textile. You can use it even if you are allergic – we don’t put in it any artificial fragrance or other irritative components. 

All ingredients could be ordered online in bulk, and the cost of one load is relatively low (especially if you compare it with commercial products). Non-toxic, green and effective laundry detergent – yes, you can easily make it at home! 


I’ve been making my own detergent, laundry bombs, and gels for a long time now, and I can tell you that it was the most effortless switch I ever made. It takes you only 5 minus to mix a batch of detergent, and it is easier than making a cup of cappuccino!

There are several products we could use to make detergent. I will give you the basic recipe, but it is not a precise science – you can modify it any way you want:

  • soap – in flakes or just regular soap bare, grated
  • washing soda (sodium carbonate – it is sold under different names in different countries, in France, you can find it as soude en cristaux)
  • baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • borax (sodium borate or sodium tetraborate)
  • sodium percarbonate – effective stain remover
  • essential oils (of your choice) 

You can use all of the ingredients or replace one with another, but together they work really great.



The most challenging part is to steer all the ingredient homogenously – better you mix it, better it works. If you skip this part and don’t pay enough attention to steering, then the quality of washing can vary from load to load. This is because the concentration of washing ingredients will differ from one batch to another. Industrial detergents are made with industrial mixers, at home this part might be tricky. 


Basic homemade detergent recipe: 

  • 2 cups of borax
  • 2 cups of washing soda
  • 2 cups of baking soda
  • 1,5 cups of grated soap
  • 0,25 cups of sodium percarbonate
  • 30 drops of essential oils

First, you need to chop soap chips into powder, and you can do it with your kitchen blender. Mix soap chips (or grated soap) with 4 tbsp of washing soda (otherwise soap will stick to blender blades) and chop it into powder. 

In a big bowl, mix together all the ingredients and steer it thoroughly. Transfer to a glass jar (you can use a plastic container if you don’t add essential oils), and use 2-3 tbsp of detergent for a regular laundry load. 

Important: sodas can irritate your nose and eyes, so it is better to put on a protective mask and glasses when mixing it. 


I usually add orange or lavender essential oils to my detergent, as I love the aroma, and those oils are easy to find and not very expensive. But you can try different other mixes:

  • pine and lemon (I sometimes add those oils during wintertime, as they kill viruses)
  • citronella – it has anti-mosquito properties, which is great in summer (and it provides your laundry with subtle and fresh aroma)
  • tea tree – I use to wash my laundry during flu periods
  • lavender – great oil to add when you wash your sheets (lavender calms down and helps to improve the quality of night sleep)
